Why do we give ourselves to people who don't deserve us? It changes us. It chips away at us piece by piece until we are shaped into something else; something different. We don't even recognize the old person. Who was that girl? My, how she's changed. I feel like everytime that I've accepted something I didn't deserve it took away from who I was. I don't know when I started allowing people to treat me so badly. It just sort of happened and then it never stopped. I guess it doesn't really matter when I started it, what matters is that I stop. I'm done letting people take from me! My time, my love, my attention; is valuable. I will not let anyone else hurt me, or make me feel like I am beaneath them. It hurts so much when the person you love makes you feel like you are nothing. I've decided, that's over. It's time to rebuild. And rebuild, I shall. ...