Has your sign really changed? Probably not according to Claudine Zap's article, "Has Your Horoscope Changed." The article explains that there are different branches of astrology. A popular Eastern form of astrology looks to the background stars as its guide. Whereas Western astrology uses the zodiac and is fixed to the seasons. The Zodiac signs are guided by star signs, and the zodiac is based on our relationship to the sun, not the stars. Claudine states that "Most Westerners, and all those horoscope pages we eagerly check, go by the zodiac. These signs follow what early astrologers called star signs, whose reference points are the tropics that form a ring around the earth. The zodiac is based on our relationship to the sun, not the stars." So here's the issue: Around 2,000 years ago the astrological signs and the astronomical ones were the same, but they're not anymore. The locations of the signs are based on the sun's location on the first day o...