Are you confused about his intentions? How do you know if he's filling time with you or taking you seriously? There are a number of signs that will let you know if he plans to take things further, or if he's not. Here are 10 signs to give you a hint: 1. He's inconsistent - If he's not seeing you regularly or there is limited conversation, then he's not really interested in you. Inconsistency with his dates or attention shows a lack of interest. 2. He doesn't like labels - This is want guys tell you when they don't want you to be there girlfriend. Trust me, when he finds the one he wants, he will put a label on it. 3. He hasn't discussed exclusivity - If he hasn't ever brought up monogomy he's not into you. I man who is into you, is not going to want to share you and he'll discuss being exclusive. 4. He told you he doesn't want anything serious - He means with you. 5. He doesn't laugh at your jokes - Someone who is into you usual...